
Sunday, 25 August 2019

The Mud Problem - Problem solving by Pukeko Class

We got a beautiful deck built on to our classroom. The builders put a concrete path in front of our deck. The ground was getting muddy and making our class dirty. We decided we needed to take action.

We all wrote a letter to Josh our care taker to see if he had any grass seed we could have.

First we had to rake the ground to get it ready. 


Then we planted our grass seeds. 

We had to water our grass. 

We noticed people walking on our grass seeds so we made some signs. These signs helped to keep kids off our new seeds.  We asked some big kids to help us attach our signs to our sticks. 
Thanks Nico and Niki boy. 

These signs worked well. Kids stopped standing on the dirt and our seeds and the grass grew and grew. Now we dont get mud in our class anymore.
Problem solved by Pukeko kids!!Wahoo!

Look at the grass growing now!

We had lots of fun watching our grass grow so we made some grass people. this is us making our grass people.

We love them!

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Clay - Process Art

We got the clay out on Friday.
We did so much learning in such a relaxing environment. 
There was no expectation of a finished product. It was the process of experimenting with the clay and finding out the properties of the clay and what different tools we could use that was the focus. 
The tamariki were kaitiaki of each other too by sharing and discussing ideas.


Here are some of the comments I heard:
This is soooo relaxing.
This is soooo nice.
Mine is so smooth.
Feel mine.
Do you want some?
Here have some of mine.
Mine is going hard.
Add some water because that makes it go soft again.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

The week the Giant came to school.

The Week the Giant came to Pukeko class. 

We read stories and poems about Giants. The giant wrote us a letter. We had to measure his foot prints. We designed traps to try and catch him. We drew a map for him and wrote places on the map so he could find his way around our town. We wrote him a letter to find out more about him and we painted what we thought he might look like. We even went on a Giant hunt looking for clues. 
Learning is fun in Pukeko class.

Measuring his foot prints. 

Making traps to try and catch the Giant. 
We worked collaboratively with our friends. We needed to think critically to think of ways in which our traps would work or might not work. 

A letter from the Giant.

Drawing a map for the Giant and writing on them. 

Pukeko tamariki wrote to the Giant to find out more about him. 
We used question marks. We left spaces, sounded out words and found words around the room. Some of us had two ideas. We love writing! 

We did some amazing paintings showing what we thought the giant looked like. 

P.S. I don't think this will be the last we hear of this giant.