The Week the Giant came to Pukeko class.
We read stories and poems about Giants. The giant wrote us a letter. We had to measure his foot prints. We designed traps to try and catch him. We drew a map for him and wrote places on the map so he could find his way around our town. We wrote him a letter to find out more about him and we painted what we thought he might look like. We even went on a Giant hunt looking for clues.
Learning is fun in Pukeko class.

Measuring his foot prints.
Making traps to try and catch the Giant.
We worked collaboratively with our friends. We needed to think critically to think of ways in which our traps would work or might not work.
A letter from the Giant.
Drawing a map for the Giant and writing on them.
Pukeko tamariki wrote to the Giant to find out more about him.
We used question marks. We left spaces, sounded out words and found words around the room. Some of us had two ideas. We love writing!
We did some amazing paintings showing what we thought the giant looked like.
P.S. I don't think this will be the last we hear of this giant.
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